
Student Centered Learning: The Healing Classroom

Report on the IRC’s “healing classrooms” in Peshawar, Pakistan that are child friendly and focus on child centered learning.


Student- Centered Learning Pathways in Thailand and Around the World

The Jalozai Refugee Camp in Pershawar, Pakistan: the IRC’s Healing Classrooms

Special Report from  editor-in-chief: Peter J. Foley,Ed.D.

The core of the  IRC’s (International Rescue Committee’s) education program is the “healing classroom” , featuring child- friendly classrooms and child- centered learning.



IRC constructs these classrooms all over the world where children find themselves victims of floods, earthquakes and other natural disasters or when they are faced with bloody wars and conflicts that force them to flee their homes and seek safety in a refugee camp or other refuge.

One such refugee camp is Jalozai Camp just outside Peshawar City.  The school is set up  in tents provided by UNICEF and run by IRC.  The schools are an oasis of safety , friendship and learning for thousands of children. Above are pictures that I hope give a sense of the IRC “healing classrooms in Peshawar , Pakistan. 

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